A client shaking a marketer’s hand, agreeing to a digital marketing partnership.

How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Company for Your Small Business

Read more to learn the answers to: Is hiring a digital marketing company worth it? What steps are involved in the process? How can you determine if the marketing team values your opinion? Starting a business is relatively easy. You need a few permits or licenses, a legitimate product to offer, and a bit of […]

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Image of puzzle piece with “SEO” – for SEO best practices — on it.

Cracking the Code: Boost Your Traffic with These 9 SEO Best Practices

If you’ve started researching marketing for your small business, you’ve undoubtedly come across the term “SEO,” an acronym for search engine optimization. Put simply, SEO is doing things that will make your website (or individual pages) rank well in big search engines like Google. But, as simple as it sounds, this marketing tactic is a

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Person using small business web design best practices on a laptop

Small Business Web Design: Your Complete Guide

Many businesses have websites, but few sites, especially those of small businesses, are well-designed enough to reach full potential. Often outdated, they lack the proper formatting and visual appeal to merit attention. Fortunately, businesses can achieve much to improve the look and functionality of their sites. If you’re a small business owner with a lackluster

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A metaphorical representation of internet scams

How to Avoid Internet Frauds and Scams: A Small Business Owner’s Comprehensive Guide

Scammers are getting more innovative and persistent in their attempts to take your hard-earned money and steal your confidential information. Unfortunately, small businesses are frequently targeted for internet frauds and scams because they present the perfect opportunity. On the one hand, small businesses have more money than individuals. On the other hand, they generally have

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Graphic that says “celebrating our 10th anniversary”

We’re Celebrating the 10th Frontier Marketing Anniversary!

Frontier Marketing is hitting double digits this month! A decade ago, on May 6, 2014, Joe Bongiovanni founded our growing company to provide digital marketing services to local businesses in Chicagoland. These many years later, we’re still doing just that – except we’re providing our locally-geared services to clients all over the nation. To our

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Header announcing the best Christmas gift

Frontier Marketing’s Joe Bongiovanni Received the Best Christmas Gift!

Christmas is a time dedicated to family. Everyone (our Frontier Marketing team included) looks forward to spending time with family and friends they may not get to see much during the course of a year. Of course, nobody can deny that the gifts received are much appreciated, too. Whether collectibles or homemade, silly or sincere,

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An image of the Google Ads app on a smartphone.

Everything You Ever Need to Know About Google Ads for Small Businesses

Is there a way to put your small business directly at the top of Google’s search results page and make you money at the same time? There is! Is it easier than organic SEO? Yes, it is! We’re talking about Google Ads, specifically Google Ads for small businesses. You’ve probably seen them on Google’s Search

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Man uses email marketing for small business

Email Marketing for Small Business: Your Strategic Guide

Ray Tomlinson sent the first email in 1971. Since then, email has been a relevant and prominent force in marketing. These days, we use emails for much of our communication. It’s an essential medium that businesses use to connect and engage with their customer base. An email marketing strategy helps small businesses communicate effectively with

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