Do I Need a Facebook Business Page?

Creating a Facebook Business Page Can Help Grow Your Local Company

As a local business owner, you are always on the look out for ways to grow your business. However, you also don’t want to waste your time on unfruitful ventures. So, naturally, you’re wondering if it’s worth your time to set up a page for your business on Facebook.

We want to assure you that Facebook is one of the best places to promote your business online. In this post, we’ll show you why it’s worth it to start a Facebook Business Page and help you create your own.

What is a Facebook Business Page?

A Facebook Business Page is a free public profile for your business. Facebook users can follow your page to receive updates from your business in their newsfeed. They can also send your company messages, leave reviews, invite their friends to like your page, and more.

Picture of computer with Facebook login for Business Page

Why is a Facebook Business Page Important?

A business page gives you an unparalleled opportunity to connect with potential customers online. People will get to know your business through your social presence, which can lead to increased customer loyalty over time. The page can also improve your business’ reputation as customers leave good reviews and interact positively with your posts.

The Difference Between Personal Profiles and Business Pages

You may have already created a personal Facebook profile and wonder why you would need to create another page for your business. What’s the use of creating multiple pages?

There are key differences between a personal profile and a business page. The most prominent difference is people have to friend request you to have access to your personal page. A business page, however, is open to the public, making it much easier for people to find and learn about your business.

How Do I Create a Facebook Business Page?

Creating a Business Page for your business is simple.

  1. Log in to your personal Facebook account. If you don’t have a personal profile yet, then you will have to create one.
  2. Once you’ve logged into your personal profile, go to the page creation page on Facebook.
  3. Select the category that best fits your company.
  4. Enter the requested information about your business and then click “Get Started.”
  5. The next page will ask you to upload a profile picture. If you have a picture you would like to use, click “Upload a Profile Picture” and select the picture from your photos. Otherwise, click “Skip,” and you can add one later.
  6. Repeat this process for the next page, which asks you to add a cover photo.
  7. Facebook will then create a page for your business. You can now start optimizing your page by adding photos, filling out the About tab, inviting friends to like your page, and more!

How Do I Optimize My Facebook Business Page?

It is not enough to simply create a page for your business. To get the most out of your business page, you must optimize it.

Here are some essential steps you should take to make your page the best it can be:

  • Make sure your profile picture and cover photo are properly sized. Ideally, a profile pic should be at least 180 x 180 pixels or some multiple of that. As for cover photos, they display at 820 x 312 pixels on desktops and 640 x 360 pixels on mobile. So, you’re going to want to choose a photo that displays well in both sizes.
  • Fill out the “About” tab with your company’s details, including your phone number, website URL, email address, and links to your other social accounts. You should also write a compelling business description.
  • Choose a CTA button. This is the blue button that displays in the upper right-hand corner of your profile. You can choose from many different calls to action, including “Send Message,” “Call Now,” or “Learn More.”
  • Invite friends and customers to like your page.
  • Create regular posts that provide value for your followers. A promotional post alone won’t cut it. Facebook will reward you for engaging and informative posts.

Have you tried to start a Facebook page for your small business? What do you like most or least about it? Let us know in the comments!