How Do I Write Effective Content for Social Media? [Infographic]

Follow These Tips and You’ll Write Great Social Media Content, Too!

All business owners know that nowadays, you need to put real work into maintaining your social media presence if you want to keep your customer base engaged. However, not everyone knows how to write content that accomplishes that goal. As a result, you may be asking, “How do I write effective social media content?

Here’s a quick guide offering some basic tips to writing great content for social media.

Consider What Your Followers Want to See

Social media users want content that’s some combination of relevant, useful, and engaging. Consider ways you can deliver those qualities in your content:

  • Use current events and holidays as subjects. This gives your content a sense of purpose, and provides immediate relevancy. You can even use industry-specific news as topics for your posts. Set up Google alerts for keywords relevant to your business, so that you can be the first to know about related news stories and share them with your followers.
  • Engage with others. Your followers like to see that you’re a brand that actively engages with them and the world around them. Give individual followers attention, get to know your audience, and make it rewarding to follow your online presence.
  • Make your posts eye-catching and unique. Social media users engage more with content that is visually-appealing than with content that’s purely textual.

Be a Real Person

This may seem simple to the point of being non-advice, but many people really do struggle with coming across as authentic in their social media marketing. Here are a few pointers:

  • Speak from your heart. Choose topics in your industry that you actually care about, and stay honest in your commentary. All too often, social media marketers try too hard to maintain a serious “professional” persona and end up sounding robotic. Don’t make the same mistake!
  • Still maintain some professionalism. As illustrated in the previous bullet point, professional isn’t always the same as formal—a blue-collar contractor shouldn’t be posting in the same voice as a law firm. However, a less formal tone doesn’t make it a good idea to use your account as a platform for irrelevant or inappropriate posts.
  • Stay positive. Sharing good news and things you find inspiring is an effective way to show your followers that there’s a real person behind the screen and that you value and enjoy things they do, too. Not only that, but good news has been proven to spread faster on social media than bad news!

Get Help Writing Content for Social Media

Let’s face it: not everyone has a knack for writing, and not every business owner has the time or talent to invest in writing all their social media content themselves. So, how do you produce great social media content in such a situation? Simple—you work with professionals who do it for you!

Frontier Marketing is an online marketing team that includes experts in content-writing, social media management, graphic design, web design, and more. If you’re looking for qualified professionals to handle your business’s social media in Chicago and northern Illinois, give Frontier Marketing a call today at (847) 254-0837. We’ll help you take your social media presence and your business to new frontiers!