One half of a brain is made of silicon, the other half is normal.

Using AI for Marketing to Optimize Content in 2023

Continue reading to learn:

  • What AI writing tools are
  • Why marketing teams are still important even with advances in AI
  • Tips for using AI to help with your marketing

Technology has picked up our slack for thousands of years. The tasks it has improved have graduated from basic irrigation and heat to online scheduling. There are many obvious examples of our current dependence on technology, but artificial intelligence pushes the boundaries more than any other modern phenomenon. A quick Google search of the topic reveals catastrophizing among mediocre news outlets as well as speculation among navel-gazing academics.

What is an AI Writing Tool like ChatGPT?

To make any commercially viable software, a group of smart, hardworking people writes hundreds of lines of code across several complex files. The files live in a development environment that makes them easier for humans to access and run. The important difference between artificial intelligence and other software is that the former must be complex enough to rely on input much more acutely.

Natural Language Generation and Processing (NLG/P) is a subfield of AI that focuses on language. “Generation” refers to creating content, and “processing” refers to making sense of content. An AI should at least be able to label parts of speech as it reads a sentence, while it should at least include a subject and a verb in any sentence it writes.

To handle the inherent complexity of learning, an AI might tap into libraries, programming sublanguages with unique syntactical elements and objects to reference. Whatever developers need to import into a project, modern AI writing tools scrape information online to become better writers. Preexisting material teaches them as it teaches us. Exposure to falsehoods and reprehensible grammar can also make them worse writers. To avoid this, AI tools learn from as big a pool of data as possible. No matter the software’s complexity, the hardware’s potency or the developers’ acumen, an AI writing tool needs to extrapolate its grammatical and creative capabilities from preexisting content.

Upon learning grammatical conventions and general information, an AI can write effectively enough to present its findings to users as if magic is responsible. This might tempt business owners to outsource marketing to an AI tool entirely. After all, the sheer quantity necessary for a marketing boost points toward NLG as an obvious solution.

Using AI for marketing is achievable with code.
JavaScript is one of many languages with which to tackle an artificial intelligence project.

Why Bother with a Marketing Team Instead of Using AI Tools like ChatGPT?

Without regard to the application of artificial intelligence in marketing, technology’s capabilities are astounding. A few clicks can reveal everything we need to know about the world around us. Instead of memorizing information by powering through dense tomes, we can spend more time on discovery, innovation and making decisions. The use of AI in marketing can help us gather critical information about marketing trends and effective keywords, but there are a few reasons why we shouldn’t expect anything more from it, at least for now.

Necessary Limitations

AI learns only from what it reads. It doesn’t have experiences or memories as we do. The only way a streaming service can recommend a movie is by looking at the tags of the movies a user has already seen.

When an AI writes, the output’s quality is at the mercy of whatever informed it. Not only can an AI make mistakes in spite of its exposure to accurate and grammatically coherent information, but it struggles to be more unique than its teacher. As tabloids lament, AI writing tools are indistinguishable from human writers. Of course, this is the case! Who do you think taught the AI to write?

If content fails to be unique or helpful enough, search engines flag it as spam, lowering its ranking. Writing uniquely enough to bring new information to the table is easier for a human than it is for an AI. Content writers have singular experience with putting a distinct spin on potentially redundant information.

Input is Your Responsibility

If you want something like ChatGPT content marketing to address your needs, it won’t go far without your instructions. To handle marketing with nothing more than an AI tool, you’ll need to handle email blasts, advertising, blog posts, city pages and beyond. You’ll need to be specific about what you want it to do.

If you tell a human to write a 1000-word blog post about the different types of hard cheeses, he or she knows to provide an introduction, a couple headings and a conclusion. If an AI reaches 1000 words by the middle of the Gorgonzola section, it’ll stop no matter what, but being too vague will cause it to say more than everything you’d ever want to know about hard cheeses. The input you’ll have to provide is so minute that you may as well do the writing yourself.

Output May Be Inadequate

Because an AI uses such unfiltered information to make claims, it can make statements that are either incorrect or too grammatically creative for formal contexts. However you employ AI against your marketing needs, you should give its work a look before publishing. Assuming the writing’s cogent enough to publish, you’ll still have to worry about how redundant it might be.

Using AI for Marketing by Yourself Might Not Work

If you use AI to tackle your marketing needs without a team, you may not see the improvements in visibility toward which you will have been spending and working. While a team might be more expensive, the genuine expertise can provide peace of mind that your marketing efforts will work. Depending on AI to write entire articles is an option, but it might damage your reputation among search engines and potential customers.

Working Together is Best

AI’s limitations don’t render it useless. Many purveyors of AI are often the first to explain how human writers and AI can work together. From keyword research and literature reviews to proofreading and word choice, AI tools can help digital marketing agencies do better work in less time. In fact, here are some ways technology helps us.

A white file on a laptop screen illuminates a dark room.
A marketing team can leverage AI against a client’s challenges.

Make Mincemeat of the Menial

Using AI for marketing is about shortening easy tasks so that we can spend more time on what’s difficult. With content writing, menial tasks might include discerning keywords, catching typos and evaluating consistencies across multiple articles.

For example, to improve the visibility of our titles, we use CoSchedule’s Headline Studio, a tool that grants an SEO score based on the title we feed it. Titles that employ uncommon or “power” words generally perform better than those with mundane words or intermediate prepositions. We also use a WordPress plugin called Yoast to evaluate how well our articles resonate with best SEO practices. Most immediately, Microsoft Word finishes our idioms and underlines our most fundamental mistakes.

These technologies don’t replace us. We bring our experiences and unique voices to what we write on clients’ behalf. We have our own strengths and limitations as AI technologies do, but between the two of us, we can do a lot more.

More Quantity and Quality

Using AI for marketing lets us work faster by expediting the most mundane processes. Because of the time we can put toward creating, we make better articles and help more clients simultaneously. We don’t need to research or edit as much thanks to the tools we use each day.

If you’d like to phone us in for high quantities of high quality, please email us at or call us at 847-254-0837.  While we have no brick-and-mortar location, most of us are proud to work out of Fox Lake, IL.