A blue laptop against a pink field can show you why email marketing is important

8 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Important for Small Businesses

In this blog, we’ll discuss:

  • Why email marketing is effective
  • When to use email marketing
  • How to use email marketing most effectively
  • What you can get from email marketing beside revenue
  • How email marketing saves money

Email marketing continues to be a central piece of an effective digital marketing strategy for outreach among target demographics. 40% of B2B marketers say they owe their content marketing success to email newsletters.

Apart from what the experts notice, nearly 80% of millennials prefer email correspondence with businesses they trust. That is, email is more reliable than social media.

People have preferred to engage via email for 30 years. If we receive an email, we’ll do something with it, whether that means filing, buying, clicking, replying or forwarding. Reaching and winning a wide audience with few resources, email marketing is among the most potent marketing strategies for many reasons.

In this post, we’ll explain the many reasons why email marketing is important and why you need an email marketing strategy for your business to thrive.

Why Is Email Marketing Important for Small Businesses?

So, does email marketing really work?

No matter the generation, virtually all consumers check their inboxes at least once a day, so email is the best method of contact by far, especially since people sign up for email lists. These are warm leads, so your marketing team won’t have to worry about investigating bad leads in the first place.

Read below to learn about what places email marketing among the most effective marketing tactics.

1. Communicate with Your Audience More Closely

Email blasts are probably the closest any business can get to customers’ personal lives. People appreciate good emails that acknowledge the end user. After all, we often look at our emails in our down time. As a welcome distraction, it’s an opportunity for businesses to provide something fun to their customers.

Customers don’t have to find your material disruptive or annoying if you hit them with something good. They already signed up to be on your list, so there’s little wrong you can do. With the close communication intrinsic to email marketing, customers can engage with your brand all year instead of only during the busiest times.

2. Earn Extra Feedback

Email marketing is also an effective medium through which to solicit and earn quality feedback. Send surveys to customers, but remember to ask effective questions. If customers see questions that seem irrelevant, you may not hear back from anybody.

The primary benefit of keeping your finger on the pulse of target demographics is that you can discover your brand ambassadors as well as your detractors! With information you earn from surveys, you can enhance experiences for all customers across the board.

A red pencil fills in boxes next to faces
Getting feedback is among the most important benefits of email marketing.

3. Directly Improve Sales

The highest source of ROI, email marketing can cause a business to earn up to eight times the revenue in stark contrast against businesses that don’t.

Immediately in front of a customer’s face during coffee breaks, an informative email can directly influence an imminent purchase decision. In fact, over half of all emails are opened on a mobile device, and effective emails produce more conversion rates on mobile than they do on desktop.

Again, these people have provided their email addresses. They’re waiting to hear from you.

Furthermore, to a degree, emails are automatic. Though you’ll need to set up templates and tweak each email individually, much of the process is up to whatever technology you use. Many online tools, like MailChimp, are available in free versions for all the beginner businesses out there.

4. Tailor Content to Receivers

Personalize the most mundane emails as often as possible. Efforts as small as including recipients’ first names in subject lines can move mountains. You can also send specific emails to specific subgroups of target demographics.

Senior deals can reach senior customers without bothering younger ones. If you know your way around your email client, happy hour deals can reach younger customers as early bird specials reach older ones (not that it always pans out that way).

You can also tailor emails to different stages of the buyer’s journey. For example, you can tailor one email to returning customers, and you can make another one to welcome first-time buyers.

5. Increase Organic Traffic to Your Website

Email is among the best ways to compartmentalize general information while directing seekers of stimulation toward links that provide genuine value. If your site’s SEO is any good, your email’s links will cause readers to click on further links after reaching the initial article.

Even among people who aren’t making purchases, you can cultivate interest for anyone who signed up to receive emails. If you want to cash in on more traffic to your site, don’t forget to include a call to action that explains what readers will earn from clicking the link.

6. Depend Less on Social Media

If social media had suddenly disappeared, many businesses would sink. Thankfully, this probably isn’t going to happen, but email marketing offers its own cocktail of benefits that makes a bigger difference, either way.

Email marketing is essentially social media with more control, allowing you to maintain and reach consumers on your private list of contacts regardless of the email service provider you use.

Progress is easy to measure, as most email marketing tools allow you to track how well your email blasts are doing and to monitor how well others are responding. You’ll have a sense of what to keep, tweak or remove entirely. With appropriate measuring tools, you can avoid sending too many or too few emails (this depends on the industry).

Several social media symbols against a white field
As effective as social media marketing can be, email marketing remains on top.

7. Send Mail at the Right Time

With online mail tools, you can also send emails at the right time. Most technologies allow for easy scheduling of email blasts.

Cut your audience into segments who are likely to look at your emails at specific times of day. Seniors may want to see something at 5; younger people may want to see something at 7.

8. Stay Frugal and Green

Keep your marketing efforts cost-effective. No printers, paper, photoshoots, location fees or mail are necessary. All you need is a copywriter and a graphic designer (and perhaps two computers for each of them to do their best work). You can also hire a marketing agency, which is cheaper than onboarding new employees.

If you’re using stock images, a single team member can easily be the one to handle email marketing. Every marketing team has its varying time and budget constraints, but email marketing isn’t likely to be the culprit. Between low costs and free versions, email marketing is affordable marketing, especially since it goes such a long way.

Let a Great Email Marketing Strategy Take You to the Next Frontier!

In spite of the advent of social media, no medium is as potently familiar as email. From anxious 14-year-old high school students to 90-year-olds in nursing homes, everyone has to check their emails more than once a day, so businesses may as well capitalize on that.

At Frontier Marketing, we’re masters of the email campaign. With our diverse skillset, we know we can bring you to your next personal frontier. Please call us, email us or fill our online form to take advantage of email marketing with help from the experts.